Minggu, 03 Januari 2016

twenty sixteen / a fresh start

Welcome to my first post of twenty sixteen here on Avenue Chelsea. I was really debating on what to post on here to bring in the new year but instead of going out on location and trying to pose for an outfit post awkwardly or attempting a new DIY which will 90% fail, I went back to my roots and decided just to write - since that was the thing that hooked me about this whole blogging thing. 

I have never felt so motivated for the new year until twenty sixteen was headed straight out way. I couldn't wait to get started and finally fulfil things that I wanted to achieve, check a few things off that list...at last. 
Whilst preparing for the new year I thought of a few ideas that I wanted to share with you to help refresh before we jumped too far into January.

01. Have a technology break 
Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube...the list of social media goes on and on. So for a day or two, stay offline and don't check your feed or subscriptions. Sometimes it's nice to just have a break from being constantly connected to the online world. A break like this can you leave you feeling fresh and ready for a new start.

02. Create an inspiration board
Right in the centre of my desk I have a board [half cork, half whiteboard]. The whiteboard is great for reminders and keeping me organised, but I wanted to create my own little collection of images on the pin board to keep me inspired and motivated. I gathered my favourite images off Pinterest and printed them out in black and white, glueing them onto white card before cutting them out with a white boarder. I made about twelve but only had space for nine which worked out quite well actually as I can replace them to keep things fresh. 

03. Declutter + reorganise
Getting organised and having a good ol' clear out is one of the best ways to start off the new year on a positive note. I went through my wardrobe, rearranged all my clothes, got rid of a lot and donated some to a charities. I also sorted through my desk drawers and got rid of a lot of paper that had been thrown in there and put pens and pencils back into their places. My old posters in my room were a bit worn and tattered so I took them down and put up some new ones.

04. Write down your thoughts
This is something that I want to do more of in twenty sixteen but writing in one of the best things to do if you need to relax and de-stress. Write down any goals for the day, month or year as well as to do lists of things you need to get done and how your feeling in general. It's a great way to clear your mind and get your thoughts onto paper so you can see them. Plus if you write something down, you are more likely to actually do it. 

05. Have a pamper session
I stayed in on new years eve and wanted to have a pamper night. I put a movie on, applied my face mask and pained my nails. It was just lovely to relax and have some time to myself before I begin my list of things to do and get a productive start to twenty sixteen. 

06. Do something you love
Whether it's taking photos, making things, playing an instrument or watching your favourite film, start off twenty sixteen by doing something that you love. Continue to take time to do it every day or each week. For me, it's reading. I didn't do enough of it last year so this year I really want to read every night which I have been doing so far. Doing something I enjoy helps to stay motivated and inspired, to push myself to new height and appreciate all the good things in life. 

That's all for today. Have an amazing twenty sixteen!

- Chelsea x

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